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What's the rarest eye-hair color combo?| Yahoo Answers Rarest eye color and hair color combination Whats

What's the rarest eye-hair color combo?| Yahoo Answers Rarest eye color and hair color combination

Whats the rarest hair and eye color combo?Dark brown hair and light blue eyes.What do YOU want to achieve in ?

Rarest eye color and hair color combination

This Is The Rarest Hair And Eye Color Combination

That's what I have and I haven't seen many other people with the same combo.What do you think of extremely long hair?It is a normal mutation in our DNA for evolution.Brown is the most common eye colour for red heads.

Beige blonde vs ash blonde 0 4

What is the rarest hair and eye color combination?- GirlsAskGuys

Though both are rare, I think green eyes are commonly paired with red hair.Albinos are pretty rare.Amber eyes are a color that I would call rare, though.

Rarest eye color and hair color combination

What's the rarest eye-hair color combo?

Related Questions What are the best hair colors for green eyes?Umm probably black hair and blue eyes.Thank you for your feedback!

Long blonde hair and your eyes of blue

What is the rarest hair and eye color combination?- Quora Rarest eye color and hair color combination

Have you ever experienced such a change that it has made you feel like a new person?YeahI thot so.I would say blonde hair and grey eyes simply because they are both more receive traits, and I heard grey eyes was the most uncommon eye color.So it would stand to reason that people with red hair and green eyes have the rarest hair and eye color combination.

Rarest eye color and hair color combination

What is the rarest hair and eye color combination?

I saw it once.The next rare combination is a person of African, or Indian descent with very dark skin and light blue eyes.Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more.

Rarest eye color and hair color combination

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